
Monday 17 December 2012

Thursday 13 December 2012


I personally don't think i will ever be in Love because i feel like i'm never anyones type or i always feel like people are going to use me then get rid of me, So i guess i'm scared of falling in love with someone (as dumb as it sounds) because i live with two big brothers and they have been in love with  girls before and also seen them get hurt by people and i always think to myself "Is that whats love is like?". It's not nice seeing people who are very in love with someone get hurt.  So i guess i don't want to be like the person who always gets their heartbroken, so i guess i find it easiler to not fall in love. </3

sorry it's not as much as i would normaly write but i got nothing more to say.
but let me know what you also think about Love♥ please leave your comment below i would love to know what you guys+girls think.

Sunday 9 December 2012

Xfactor (JAMESWON)


X-factor... yes i watch xfactor people!  Get over it if you dislike it, i love it.. i love seeing peoples dreams really do come true in the end.  So..  JAMES ARTHUR WON, Wohoo!!
I loved James Arthur from the day he first stepped out onto the xfactor stage.. i love how he looked and his background seems very deep which i thought to myself he will be able to sing and write his own music.. then when i heard him sing i thought to myself "WOW this guy is really good" i thought if he gets into the next round he will get my vote and he did, he smashed it.  The only reason i watched it is because of James Arthur, he was the winner for me no matter what.
I really do hope he goes very far in life and hope it wont be the last time we see him, i hope we see him a lot more in the new year and the year after that and so on...

This is how many times i put his voting number in my phone and rang it.. 

Saturday 8th December 2012

Saturday 8 December 2012


Who is ready to open their presents? I am but we all have to wait for the 25th :( cant wait to open all my presents that Santa(my mum&dad) will give me.

Hope everyone has a lovely day! 

Thursday 6 December 2012

Leave your comments below of what you think i should blog?

Jennifer O'Connor

The girl on the left. 
The girl on the left. 

So you are probably reading this think who's this chick?  Why am i writing about her?  Well this babe is my cousin she from Ireland and we both said we would write a blog about each other .  well i haven't know her aswell as cousins do.. it's because i was born in England and never got the chance to go to Ireland to meet all my family over there.. well i have met her now because i went over to Ireland in September i think it was.. &we met for the first time, shes a year old than me.. she pretty awesome, shes gorgeous. 

we have so much in common we are into the same music, style.. EVERYTHING.
Also if your wondering what her name is Jennifer O'connor..  she also has a blogging page its..  go check her out shes "
AMAZEBALLS!". Shes a bit nuts (but in a good way!)
also did i say shes a twin ? yeah she a twin how call is that. 

Waiting in a car things...

Is it just me that thinks if your in your own in a car at a shop.. Waiting for someone to come back from the shops, do you always think people will break in with you sitting inside it or is it just me? Lol. Also Do you always have the radio on and start singing because if you start singing people probably thinks your talking to your self.. Lol. As I write this there are a couple in front of my car taking photos of each other with Christmas lights behind them.. I think to myself have they never seen little lights on a pole before ahahaaaaa Anyways I thought I might write this as I'm sitting in a car right now think that all to myself.

If you like what I write or want to know anything then comment below!
I would love to know what you think aswell.


Tuesday 4 December 2012

A Wish..

If I could have one wish it would to see my great Nan Betty.. I miss her dearly because she was like another Nan to me, Not a great Nan if you understand me lol) I had her living with me on the weekends and I spend all my time with her.. I always gave her my bed when ever she stayed over I would make sure she was always ok and helped her get up and help her with getting up the stairs I was like a young carer I guess.. I don't get to see her anymore because of other family members.. And it hurts me so much because when I was 14+ I would always make time to go see her where she lives now with my Nan . It upsets me because she old she's 94 years old.. I guess I have good memories with her and i guess no one could take them away from me. She always use to tell me off because I kept telling her to say please and thank you after things she wanted done for her. I remember when we would go food shopping and she would always buy me a cake that cost like £1.50. Something like that and when I turned around one day I said no Nan I'm ok, she went into one and was like get it now or I will hit you then start laughing! I love my nanny Betty even my neighbours loved her.. One neighbour use to say "alright Nan  to her.. She's a lovely woman I wish she my Nan  that's what one of my neighbours said that to me and my mum.. Everyone loved her around where I live.

I get scared sometimes and think what happens if she passes away.. I would of never of said my goodbyes to her & never of told her how much I love her and how much my life has changed now I don't see her..

If only you had Internet nanny Betty I wish you could see this...


Monday 3 December 2012

Christmas for our loved ones in heaven. ♥

 I thought i would make a video for my great uncle, who sadly passed away on Friday 6th July 2012.

He had trying to fight Cancer,  But sadly lost.. so i thought i would make a video for my family.. Hopefully they will like it..   
 Well here it is.... 


Rest In Peace Uncle Gerry 

Sunday 2 December 2012

Learn't the hard way..

My Mother Has Always Said...
"You Will Have To Learn The Hard Way"&"Never Trust Anybody"

I definitely learn't the hard way.  When i was in secondary school.. I always trusted people, until i got to year 10/11  then i learnt who to trust and not to, I had it the hard way in school.. I always felt like i had people pick on me and use me (but i don't think i ever showed it).. I was one of those people that always believed what people said & I always got dragged into peoples arguments and then i would be the person that everybody hates.  I always hated having arguments in school because people always had there "friends" around them, then people would see people talking and then other people would come over then try turn it into a fight, which i'm not a fighter.. i'm a person that probably want to sit down and sort things out.  

Then i would always call people my best friends because i use to tell them everything and thought i could trust them, then they would go behind my back and tell people stuff i wouldn't want them to know,  I still can't believe that i told people about my problems at home and that how i always wanted to hurt and kill myself...  so the one thing i would say to people.. NEVER TRUST PEOPLE.  It's okay to call people your friends but i would never trust them straight away because you never know that they could go behind your back and tell people who you don't want to know about your life.  It takes years to TRUST someone (well that's what i think) So now i would say i wouldn't call people my best friends.  

So what i'm trying to say is if you don't want someone to know your business then don't speak to anyone about it.. because you never know whats around corner. 

Saturday 1 December 2012

Getting ready for Christmas..

Getting ready for Christmas... 
Christmas day is really nice for me because i get all my loved ones all around me on Christmas day and get some presents as well (who don't love a present?)  I love it when it comes around Christmas time, I just loving getting in the mood for Christmas. The only thing i dislike about it is buying presents for people and when your family members are mainly all men it don't help because you never know what they like. E
ven though i'm 16 years old, I still get excited like a little kid. I love Christmas because I like it when my family come together as one.. I love waking up   very early and waking up my mum,dad and brothers.. well me and one of my brothers are always up early even though he is older than me haha..  Don't you like it when your got all your Christmas decorations up, Also hearing all the Christmas music.
Do any of you ever get new PJ's for Christmas day?  I always do i find it nice to have some new fresh clean PJ's for that day because my family always takes photos of me opening presents so its nice to have nice PJ's in them and not ugly old looking ones..(well that is what i think, that's my opinion).  

I thought i would show you some photos of what my Christmas tree looks like... 

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